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mysql 설치 옵션

SoftWare 조회 수 230 추천 수 0 2015.01.02 16:08:56
BUILD_CONFIG Use same build options as official releases   
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Type of build to produce RelWithDebInfo  
CMAKE_C_FLAGS Flags for C Compiler   
CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS Flags for C++ Compiler   
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX Installation base directory /usr/local/mysql  
COMPILATION_COMMENT Comment about compilation environment   
CPACK_MONOLITHIC_INSTALL Whether package build produces single file OFF  
DEFAULT_CHARSET The default server character set latin1  
DEFAULT_COLLATION The default server collation latin1_swedish_ci  
ENABLE_DEBUG_SYNC Whether to enable Debug Sync support ON  
ENABLE_DOWNLOADS Whether to download optional files OFF  
ENABLE_DTRACE Whether to include DTrace support   
ENABLE_GCOV Whether to include gcov support 5.6.3 
ENABLE_GPROF Enable gprof (optimized Linux builds only) OFF5.6.6 
ENABLED_PROFILING Whether to enable query profiling code ON  
IGNORE_AIO_CHECK With -DBUILD_CONFIG=mysql_release, ignore libaio check OFF5.6.1 
INNODB_PAGE_ATOMIC_REF_COUNT Enable or disable atomic page reference counting ON5.6.16 
INSTALL_BINDIR User executables directory PREFIX/bin  
INSTALL_DOCDIR Documentation directory PREFIX/docs  
INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR Header file directory PREFIX/include  
INSTALL_INFODIR Info file directory PREFIX/docs  
INSTALL_LAYOUT Select predefined installation layout STANDALONE  
INSTALL_LIBDIR Library file directory PREFIX/lib  
INSTALL_MANDIR Manual page directory PREFIX/man  
INSTALL_MYSQLSHAREDIR Shared data directory PREFIX/share  
INSTALL_MYSQLTESTDIR mysql-test directory PREFIX/mysql-test  
INSTALL_PLUGINDIR Plugin directory PREFIX/lib/plugin  
INSTALL_SBINDIR Server executable directory PREFIX/bin  
INSTALL_SCRIPTDIR Scripts directory PREFIX/scripts  
INSTALL_SHAREDIR aclocal/mysql.m4 installation directory PREFIX/share  
INSTALL_SQLBENCHDIR sql-bench directory PREFIX  
INSTALL_SUPPORTFILESDIR Extra support files directory PREFIX/support-files  
MEMCACHED_HOME Path to memcached [none]  
MYSQL_DATADIR Data directory   
MYSQL_MAINTAINER_MODE Whether to enable MySQL maintainer-specific development environment OFF  
MYSQL_PROJECT_NAME Windows/Mac OS X project name 33065.6.5 
MYSQL_TCP_PORT TCP/IP port number 3306  
MYSQL_UNIX_ADDR Unix socket file /tmp/mysql.sock  
ODBC_INCLUDES ODBC includes directory   
ODBC_LIB_DIR ODBC library directory   
OPTIMIZER_TRACE Whether to support optimizer tracing 5.6.3 
SUNPRO_CXX_LIBRARY Client link library on Solaris 10+ 5.6.20 
SYSCONFDIR Option file directory   
TMPDIR tmpdir default value 5.6.16 
WITH_ASAN Enable AddressSanitizer OFF5.6.15 
WITH_BUNDLED_LIBEVENT Use bundled libevent when building ndbmemcache ON  
WITH_BUNDLED_MEMCACHED Use bundled memcached when building ndbmemcache ON  
WITH_CLASSPATH Classpath to use when building MySQL Cluster Connector for Java. Default is an empty string.   
WITH_DEBUG Whether to include debugging support OFF  
WITH_DEFAULT_COMPILER_OPTIONS Whether to use default compiler options ON5.6.6 
WITH_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SET Whether to use default feature set ON5.6.6 
WITH_EDITLINE Which libedit/editline library to use bundled5.6.12 
WITH_EMBEDDED_SERVER Whether to build embedded server OFF  
WITH_EMBEDDED_SHARED_LIBRARY Whether to build a shared embedded server library OFF5.6.17 
WITH_xxx_STORAGE_ENGINE Compile storage engine xxx statically into server   
WITH_ERROR_INSERT Enable error injection in the NDB storage engine. Should not be used for building binaries intended for production. OFF  
WITH_EXTRA_CHARSETS Which extra character sets to include all  
WITH_INNODB_MEMCACHED Whether to generate memcached shared libraries. OFF  
WITH_LIBEDIT Use bundled libedit library ON 5.6.12
WITH_LIBEVENT Which libevent library to use bundled5.6.6 
WITH_LIBWRAP Whether to include libwrap (TCP wrappers) support OFF  
WITH_NDB_BINLOG Enable binary logging by default by mysqld. ON  
WITH_NDB_DEBUG Produce a debug build for testing or troubleshooting. OFF  
WITH_NDB_JAVA Enable building of Java and ClusterJ support. Enabled by default. Supported in MySQL Cluster only. ON  
WITH_NDB_PORT Default port used by a management server built with this option. If this option was not used to build it, the management server's default port is 1186. [none]  
WITH_NDB_TEST Include NDB API test programs. OFF  
WITH_NDBMTD Build multi-threaded data node. ON  
WITH_READLINE Use bundled readline library OFF 5.6.5
WITH_SSL Type of SSL support no  
WITH_UNIXODBC Enable unixODBC support OFF  
WITH_VALGRIND Whether to compile in Valgrind header files OFF  
WITH_ZLIB Type of zlib support system  
WITHOUT_xxx_STORAGE_ENGINE Exclude storage engine xxx from build   
WITHOUT_SERVER Do not build the server OFF  
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