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wow 3.3.5a 구축

CentOS 조회 수 1249 추천 수 0 2015.11.30 13:49:53

yum groupinstall "development tools"
yum groupinstall "development libraries"
yum install gcc-g++ mercurial wget links zip unzip unrar openssl cmake boost boost-devel

cd /apm/server
tar xvfz ACE-6.3.3.tar.gz
vi ~/.bash_profile

export ACE_ROOT
export PATH

source ~/.bash_profile
cd ACE_wrappers/ace
ln -s config-linux.h config.h
cd $ACE_ROOT/include/makeinclude
ln -s platform_linux.GNU platform_macros.GNU
 [root@host ACE_wrappers] cd ./examples/Threads
 [root@host Threads] make
 [root@host Threads] ./task_one

(140169006995200) in iteration 1
 (140169006995200) in iteration 2
 (140169006995200) in iteration 3
 (140169006995200) in iteration 4
 (140169006995200) in iteration 5

cd /apm/server
mkdir trinitycore
cd trinitycore
git clone -b 3.3.5 git:// trinitycore-335
git clone -b 6.x git:// trinitycore-6x
mkdir build-335
cd build-335
cmake ../trinitycore-335/ \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/apm/server/trinitycore-335 \
-DCLI=1 \
-DRA=1 \
-DSQL=1 \

 cmake ../trinitycore-335/ \
 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/apm/server/trinitycore-335 \
 -DACE_LIBRARY=/apm/server/ACE_wrappers/lib/ \
 -DACE_INCLUDE_DIR=/apm/server/ACE_wrappers/include \
 -DDO_CLI=1 \
 -DDO_RA=1 \
 -DDO_SQL=1 \

make install
cp /apm/server/trinitycore-335/etc/authserver.conf.dist /apm/server/trinitycore-335/etc/authserver.conf
cp /apm/server/trinitycore-335/etc/worldserver.conf.dist /apm/server/trinitycore-335/etc/worldserver.conf


MySQL에 auth, world, characters DB를생성하고 관리자가 쓸 계정(trinity:trinity)을 각DB의 모든권한으로 연결한다.
Github을 통해서 받은 소스 안에 sql디렉토리내의 sql데이터를 각 DB에 리스토어 한다.
리눅스 방화벽에 3306(DB), 3724(auth), 8085(world) 포트를 개방하여 준다.
authserver.conf와 worldserver.conf의 내용중 DB접속 관련 계정을 관리자 계정으로 변경하여 저장한다.

dbc, maps, mmaps, vmaps 등을 서버에 정위치 한다.


cd /apm/server/trinitycore335

mkdir data









Extracting DBC, Maps, VMaps & MMaps

DBC and Maps files

cd <your WoW client directory>
mkdir /home/<username>/server/data
# Next line is 3.3.x only
cp -r dbc maps /home/<username>/server/data
# Next line is 6.x, 7.x only
cp -r dbc maps gt /home/<username>/server/data
edit worldserver.conf and change datadir from "." to "../data"

Visual Maps (aka vmaps - optional RECOMMENDED)

You can also extract vmaps which will take quite a while depending on your machine (up to hours on ancient hardware).

cd <your WoW client directory>
mkdir vmaps
/home/<username>/server/bin/vmap4assembler Buildings vmaps
cp -r vmaps /home/<username>/server/data

When this is complete you will receive the following message which can be safely ignored.

Processing Map 724
Extracting GameObject models...Extracting World\Wmo\Band\Final_Stage.wmo
No such file.
Couldn't open RootWmo!!!
Extract V4.00 2012_02. Work complete. No errors.

Movement Maps  (aka mmaps - optional RECOMMENDED)

Extracting mmaps will take quite a while depending on your machine (up to hours).

cd <your WoW client directory>
mkdir mmaps
cp -r mmaps /home/<username>/server/data

Setting up the configuration files

First of all you need to find the two default config files (named worldserver.conf.dist and authserver.conf.dist (bnetserver.conf.dist in 6.x) ) and copy these to their namesakes without the .dist extension. You can find them within /trinitycore/etc/ (may vary).

cp worldserver.conf.dist worldserver.conf
cp authserver.conf.dist authserver.conf # 3.3.5 only
cp bnetserver.conf.dist bnetserver.conf # 6.x only










.account create NAME PASSWORD


.bnetaccount create user@apex password


.account set gmlevel 아이디 3 1

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